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Publisher: Macmillan Language: English ISBN: 256 pages Data: 2006 PDF 1 Mb Description: In the US alone some 90,000 people die from superbugs-bacteria that have grown immune to antibiotics. Officials agree that this problem will only get worse with time and new alternatives must be found. One alternative that is being considered by scientists is a kind of virus called a bacteriophage. 'Phages'-viruses that kill bacteria but not humans-were discovered in 1915. Phage therapy was successfully used for twenty years before the invention of penicillin made them obsolete everywhere but Eastern Europe, where they are still in use today.
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In its first English translation, this book tells the fascinating story behind the history of the phage, its discovery and development, as well as the strides that are being made to bring the therapy back to the West today. ֽדב דה ַבַָׁ״ ַב xCAַבם ֽדב והַ.
Tetanus (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics Tetanus (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics) (US$30) Stationary Office Pages: 100 2008-02-28 ISBN: 3 MB Rapidshare and Megaupload In the 1960s, many of the infectious diseases that had terrorized generations were tamed. After a century of advances, the leading killers of Americans both young and old were being prevented with new vaccines or cured with new medicines.
Book Description: In the 1960s, many of the infectious diseases that had terrorized generations were tamed. After a century of advances, the leading killers of Americans both young and old were being prevented with new vaccines or cured with new medicines.
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The risk of death from pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB), meningitis, influenza, whooping cough, and diphtheria declined dramatically. New vaccines lifted the fear that summer would bring polio, and a global campaign was on the verge of eradicating smallpox worldwide. New pesticides like DDT cleared mosquitoes from homes and fields, thus reducing the incidence of malaria, which was present in the southern United States and which remains a leading killer of children worldwide. New technologies produced safe drinking water and removed the risk of cholera and other water-borne diseases. Science seemed unstoppable. Disease seemed destined to all but disappear. בב xCAֽדםב ַײ xDB״ והַ (?dirPwdVerified=3279fdef).
Malaria Genetic and Evolutionary Aspects Description Malaria: Genetic and Evolutionary Aspects (US$129) Stationary Office Pages: 190 2005-12-14 ISBN: 2 MB Rapidshare and Megaupload This book is an edited collection of papers by leading experts on the population genetics and evolutionary biology of malaria, a disease which results in three million deaths each year in the world. 'Malaria Hypothesis' refers to the hypothesis, which was proposed by J.B.S. Haldane at the 8th International Congress of Genetics in Stockholm in 1948, that the identical geographic distribution of both falciparum malaria and thalassemia in the mediterranean region. Suggests that the heterozygous individuals for thalassemia (or microcythemia as it was called then) might have greater resistance to malarial infection. Haldane, later in the same year, expanded his theory to infectious disease in general at another international conference, at Pallanza in Italy. Haldane's hypothesis was subsequently confirmed in the African populations by A.C. Allison and later by others during the last fifty years, although at first for sickle cell anemia and later for thalassemia with varying degrees of success.
The malaria hypothesis still remains today a unique example of that kind of balanced polymorphism, not only in genetics but in all of biology. It opened up new insights into our perspective of the genetics and population dynamics of disease prevalence, particularly infectious disease בב xCAֽדםב ַײ xDB״ והַ (tionaryAspects.html?dirP wdVerified=3279fdef).
Vaccine Adjuvants: Immunological and Clinical Principles (2005) Description Vaccine Adjuvants: Immunological and Clinical Principles Publisher: Humana Press Language: English ISBN: 296 pages Data: 2005 PDF 3 Mb Description: A cutting-edge review of the major research areas of adjuvant discovery, design, development, and use. The authors lay down a rational basis for vaccine adjuvant function and analyze a number of significantly distinct adjuvant-active molecules to illuminate the principles of their function and use. The focus is on specific receptor-ligand interactions, including the molecular features needed for a compound to possess adjuvant activity. The critical interface zone between the innate and adaptive immune systems is also analyzed to show how adjuvants exert their effects on T- and B-cell activation. Additional chapters address the possibility of tailoring adjuvants to yield optimally safe and effective responses. בב xCAֽדםב ַײ xDB״ והַ (alPrinciplesHumana200 5.html?dirPwdVerified=32 79fdef).