Add Drivers To Esxi 6 Iso
Jan 4, 2014 - Adding or updating a driver directly in the ESXi ISO solves this issue. X.x.x.tar.gz is designed to work with the Intel® 82563/6/7 Gigabit. Oct 25, 2012 - Alternatively, you can try to use the Dell customized build of ESXi ISO to install VMWare and see if those include the required drivers you need. Step by step guide how to add the Realtek R8168 NIC drivers to a VMware ESXi 5.5 Update 2 ISO image. As VMware has removed many popular home lab NIC drivers.
The calm before the storm My has been working really well for the last 2 years and I have not felt the need to upgrade it. That is the longest I can handle “ don’t fix it if it ain’t broken” 😉 Background and motivation The main reason for this upgrade is to move from a solution with a single HDD connected to the onboard SATA controller, to a battery backed hardware RAID controller (LSI 9261-8i). I guess I have been lucky, but let’s not celebrate too early! Anyway, this article is about preparing a new ESXi ISO with all the drivers needed for the transition from ESXi 5.1 to ESXi 5.5-u2. Although I have not been reading very actively on this topic lately, I do have picked up a few things to consider for this upgrade:. VMware have been removing SATA AHCI mappings for some onboard controllers.
This might be an issue since I intend to move the existing VMs from the single drive to the RAID:ed disks. ESXi 5.5 u2 have drivers for the LSI 9261-8i card but there are newer ones, I might as well include the latest release. Speaking of the RAID controller, there is also a “SMIS provider” VIB to be able to manage the RAID controller in the host remotely. To be honest, I need to learn more about this and the first step is to include this functionality. Still no native support for one of the Intel NICs on this board (Intel DQ77MK motherboard with Intel 82579LM and 82574L NICs). Therefore, NIC drivers need to be included. Finally, since this motherboard is more than 2 years old, at least since I last updated the BIOS, I’m going to include a CPU microcode update pack.
Add Drivers To Esxi 6 Iso
Preparing to include drivers in an ESXi 5.5-u2 ISO Previously, I have been using the graphical ESXi-Customizer tool to add drivers to an ISO, but this time I will attempt to use the PowerShell script version Here is a recipe for the tool chain:. Windows 7/8/8.1 with PowerShell 2.0 or higher. (this is used instead of the ISO image) Here is a summary of the drivers to be included. – addonboard SATA AHCI controller mappings.
– Intel igb 5.2.7 NIC driver. – Intel e1000e NIC driver. – LSI MegaRAID driver. – LSI SMIS provider. – AMD and Intel CPU microcode update The ESXi-Customizer-PS has a really nice feature where it is possible to make it load an entire directory with files to be included. I created an offlinebundles subfolder from where I put the ESXi-Customizer-PS script and copied all files to it.
Executing the ESXi-Customizer-PS script I’m a complete PowerShell noob and it took me a while to just make it run the script. I had to run the following command to allow script. Script to build a customized ESXi installation ISO or Offline bundle using the VMware PowerCLI ImageBuilder snapin (Call with -help for instructions) Running with PowerShell version 2.0 and VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.8 Release 1 build 2057893 Adding base Offline bundle. OK Getting ImageProfiles, please wait. OK Using ImageProfile ESXi-5.5.0-1-standard.
(dated 06:46:46, AcceptanceLevel: PartnerSupported, For more information, see Loading Offline bundles and VIB files from. Loading D: Linux ESXi5.5u2VIBs offlinebundles OK Add VIB cpu-microcode 1.5.0-1 OK, added Loading D: Linux ESXi5.5u2VIBs offlinebundles
OK Add VIB net-igb 5.2.7-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 OK, replaced Loading D: Linux ESXi5.5u2VIBs offlinebundles OK Add VIB scsi-megaraid-sas 6.605.00.00-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820 OK, replaced 5.34-9vmw.550.2. Loading D: Linux ESXi5.5u2VIBs offlinebundles OK Add VIB net-e1000e New AcceptanceLevel: CommunitySupported OK, replaced 1.1.2-4vmw.550.1. Loading D: Linux ESXi5.5u2VIBs offlinebundles OK Add VIB sata-xahci 1.24-1 OK, added Loading D: Linux ESXi5.5u2VIBs offlinebundles
OK Add VIB lsiprovider 500.04.V0.53-0003 OK, added Exporting the ImageProfile to 'ESXi-5.5.0-1-standard-customized.iso'. Please be patient.